Record 4/208
Image 3 of 5
MATERIALS: Cotton cloth,cotton and rayon threads, mirrors, metallic braidd.
CONSTRUCTION: Machine st, Embr: double, running , satin, cross, interlaced double buttonhole, Romanian, Chain ,rope ,btt. hole stitches .
MOTIFS: Mod,mor,ghughro,bevdi phali.
STYLE REMARKS: Kharek, pako, pako done by Romanian filling, filling of lines with short blocks of satin, stitch is unusual.
CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE: Traditional garment for married women, sleeves short to accomodate bangles, color palette specific to community.
CULTURAL REMARKS: Worn with kurti, dress probably originated in Rajasthan. Mor on belly flap is often portrayed upside down.
Kapadu, Woman's bluse.
- Tharparkar Regional Arts
- Copyright your Museum
COPYRIGHT INFORMATION ~ When using this image, the credit information should be in the following format: Image courtesy of the Kala Raksha Museum.