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MATERIALS: Glass beads, cotton cloth, straw, ring. CONSTRUCTION:Beaded, simple net and beading directly attached to cloth. Beaded loops attached to bottom. MOTIFS: None. COLOURS : Red, green ,and white in net and multicoloured in base. STYLE REMARKS: Kachhi netting typically is red, white and green, and uses a larger ''deshi'' bead. Style at base is different from net. Used old beads and was probably purchased from Mahajan artisans. And net was later attached. CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE: Hung at the side of a doorway during an auspicious ceremony. A small brass karasiyo is set on the ring, and a beaded coconut put on top of that. CULTURAL REMARKS: The decorated version is taken from a simple goat hair net hangers that Rabaris use to keep pots of milk out of reach of animals. This was a very old part of the Rabari household. All of the beadwork has gone out of fashion because women have less time for personal work. Shikki, Ceremonial pot carrier.
Shikki -Rabari Arts -Copyright Statement

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Last modified on: February 22, 2013